Mudakkathan Keerai Powder

Mudakkathan Keerai Powder | Balloon Plant Leaves | Jyotishmati

Category : Digestion and Cholesterol

Tamil Name : முடக்கத்தான் பவுடர்

Wt. : 200 Gm

Rate ₹ : 220.00 195.00

Your Savings : 25.00

Qty : Add to Cart


Every one of us would like to lead a life with a strong and healthy body and we want our descendent also to be strong and healthy to lead their life. Spinach is considered the best food to eliminate all diseases and it gives a lot of nutrients to our body. We eat different types of spinach. But we didn’t take many greens because we don’t know their health benefits. Mudakkathan Keerai is one of the types of herb or lettuce that we forget to take in our food and it has a lot of medicinal benefits for us.

• We take different medicines for joint pain issues in our bodies. But one of the natural herbs to heal the joint pain issue is Mudakkathan Keerai. If we apply it with castor oil on all the joints helps to get rid of joint pain.

• Nowadays we hear many people have cancer problems. If they eat Mudakkathan Keerai, it helps to reduce the cancer cells from growing back and reduce the severity of the disease.

• Sometimes we have headaches because of our work stress. If we inhale the steam of boiling water with mudakkathan keerai powder, it will help to get rid of headaches.

• If we take the mudakathan keerai powder in a regular food diet, it helps to avoid constipation, hemorrhoids problems.

• Mudakkathan keerai powder works well for the menstrual problems of women. If they apply the powder in the center and coat the abdomen of women helps to remove toxins in the uterus.

• Many people have skin-related issues like rashes and scabies. If they use the mudakkathan keerai powder it heals all types of skin diseases.

Botanical Name : Cardiospermum Halicacabum.

English Name : Balloon Plant.

Tamil Name : முடக்கத்தான் / Mudakathan.

Hindi Name : कपालफोड़ी , कनफुटी , कनफटा / Kapalphodi, Khanphuti, Kanphata.

Malayalam Name : ജ്യോതിഷ്മതി / ഉഴിഞ്ഞ / കറുത്തകുന്നി / പാലുരുവം / വള്ളിഉഴിഞ്ഞ / Jyotishmati, Uzhinja, Karuthakunni, Paluruvam, Valliuzhinja.

Telugu Name : బుద్ధకాకర / ఎక్కుడుటైజ్ / జ్యోతిష్మతితీగె / కసారిటైజ్ / buddakakara, Ekkudutige, Jyotishmatitige, Kasaritige.

How To Use Jeyam Herbals Mudakkathan Keerai Powder :

Mix one spoon (5 g) of Mudakathan powder in a glass of warm water and drink after food or as advised by the doctor.

Mudakkathan Keerai Powder for Knee Pain:

Add 2 tsp. Mudakkathan Keerai Powder with 500 ml of water and boil it. Filter the content and drink, add salt to taste.

Mudakkathan Keerai Powder for Scalp Itches and Dandruff:

Take a bowl and mix the mudakathan powder with the gingelly oil and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash normally. This helps to treat both scalp itchy and dandruff.

JEYAM HERBALS Herbal Products are certified by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India - FSSAI. We purchase highest grade of raw materials, directly from farmers and process under strict quality measures, to maintain its purity, enrich freshness. These raw materials are separated from dust, cleaned, dried, processed and prepared hygienically under strict supervision. All our products are consistently produced and controlled according to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

Today every consumers demand is to enjoy a supply, that is flavorful, nutritious, safe, convenient, natural and affordable. So at JEYAM HERBALS, we put efforts that our products does not loose their original nutrients and colour and so, we do not add chemicals, colours, preservatives, sugars or additives. All our products are prepared in a clean environment and packed in a resealable zip-lock pouches in an affordable price.

Some reasons why JEYAM HERBAL Products:
  • Raw materials, procured directly from farmers.
  • Strict quality measures.
  • No added chemicals and preservatives.
  • Long shelf life due to its Quality and Freshness
  • Rich in Nutritional Values.
  • Packed hygienically in reusable packs.

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